How a Bar Tending Course can Benefit Your Career

Many people assume that just because they know a bit about beer or know how to mix a nice, stiff drink, they already have what it takes to become a bartender. After all – you already know the ingredients of a “proper” martini and you know all of the subtleties and differences between the craft brews in your area, so how much harder can it be? In reality, it’s quite a bit harder, which is why bar tending courses are so important. By understanding the many ways in which bar tending courses can benefit your career, you can begin to get an understanding of just how important they really are.

Bartender Pouring Beer
Bartender Pouring Beer

It Isn’t All About Knowledge – It’s Also About Skill

Mixing a drink in the comfort of your own home is dramatically different than mixing the same drink in a bar or restaurant. These places are high stakes environments where you’re constantly dealing with loud environmental noise, dozens of people who all want drinks at any given moment and more. Every second that you’re not making a drink in a bar setting is a second that both you and the business are losing money.

Bar tending courses can help prepare you for this type of environment by way of practical and hands on courses that recreate the same types of situations that you’ll be working in as closely as possible. You’ll leave a bar tending course not only with the knowledge that you need to get a job in any location of your choosing, but the skills that you need to excel in the workplace, as well.

Legal Requirements

Many people also fail to realize that in Australia, you need certain qualifications to be able to serve alcohol in public places. This is another part of the reason why courses like the ones that RSA Melbourne offer are so important – they will literally unlock doors for you and will help you get a job in any location of your choosing.

A Responsible Service of Alcohol Course, for example, will help you obtain the LCV qualification that you need in order to be able to serve alcohol legally in Victoria. Bar tending courses in general will also teach you what you need to know to not only work behind a bar, but also will instil you with the skills that you need to be able to properly carry a beer (or many beers), mix cocktails, tap kegs and more. You’ll also be taught how to interact with customers, both pleasant and unpleasant, and learn the law surrounding intoxicated customers.

hese are all the types of skills that an employer will demand that you have before you’ll even be considered for a position. If you can’t quickly show that you’re comfortable working with these types of tasks, rest assured – that employer is going to look somewhere else to fill the position.
If you’d like to find out more information about how a bar tending course can benefit your career, or to learn about some of the courses that we have available today to suit your needs, please contact RSA Melbourne today. RSA training is one of the single best ways to turn your passion or hobby into a true career.

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