Melbourne: The Coffee Capital of Australia

Melbourne is one of the most important cities in all of Australia for a wide range of different reasons. From a cultural standpoint, it’s one of the richest cities in the entire country, with everything from the Melbourne International Film Festival to the International Comedy Festival and more calling it home each year, plus Melbourne is the sporting capital of Australia. According to The Economist Intelligence Unit, it’s also one of the most liveable cities in the entire world.

However, there’s one other key aspect of Melbourne that has the rest of the country beat in a way that you might not necessarily expect: coffee.

Yes, it’s true – Melbourne is the coffee capital of Australia from any angle you choose to look at it from.

Melburnians Love Their Coffee

According to one study conducted by the Sydney Morning Herald, Melbourne residents venture to coffee shops, cafes, and restaurants in search of their caffeine fix more than anyone else in the country. Almost 12% of people who responded said that they buy coffee 16 times or more in a 90-day period.

If you narrow that question down to just Melbourne residents who visit a cafe or coffee shop at least once, the number jumps to an incredible 63%. Sydney was close behind at 61%, but as the old saying goes – close, but no cigar.

Melbourne has the rest of the country (and the world, depending on whom you ask) beat in a number of other ways, too. In March of 2016, Melbourne took its coffee love to new heights when it hosted the International Coffee Expo at the Melbourne Showgrounds. Some people even believe that Melbourne doesn’t just have the best coffee in the country – it’s also the coffee capital of the WORLD, at least as far as quality is concerned.

All of this is pretty incredible when you consider that Melbourne’s vibrant coffee culture began innocently enough in Florentines restaurant on Bourke Street, when the first espresso machine in the area found a home all the way back in 1901. When you consider that it’s hard to find a corner in the city that doesn’t have a cafe on it, you’ll realise we’ve come a very long way indeed.

RSA Melbourne Barista Course

When you consider just how important coffee is to Australia, you begin to realise why the types of training and hospitality courses offeRSA Melbourne are so important – they allow you to do your part to uphold the fine tradition on which an entire industry is based. Our Melbourne barista training course offers real world, hands-on experience in a purpose built coffee training room. We will teach you the different coffee styles and you’ll learn about innovative techniques and best practices such as grinding, milk texturing and latte art that will equip you with the skills required to embark on the barista career you’ve always wanted.

To find out more information about RSA Melbourne hospitality and training courses, please don’t delay – contact us today.

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